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Location - at the end of Yankee Hall Road (SR-1560), 200 yards from the Tar River, on the west side of the road.
Survey compiled by William "Bill" B. Kittrell in 2007.
The cemetery is in very bad condition and the stones are even harder to read today. I compared dates with St. Amand's book and the dates appear the same but are hard to read. Names and dates are given first, then the additional information on the stone.
Ellison, Caroline S. (b. 18 Jul 1812 - d. 28 Oct 1830)
Consort of Henry A. Ellison & Daughter of Dr. Thomas Telfair. Here rests the mortal remains of Mrs. CAROLINE S. ELLISON, Consort of / Mr. Henry A. Ellison, daughter of the late Dr. Thomas Telfair. She was born the 18th of July 1812 and died the 28th of October 1830.
Miles, Almy (b. Unknown - d. 25 Oct 1788)
Aged 15 Yrs. Daughter of Capt. J. & Mary Miles. In memory of Miss ALMY MILES, daughter of Capt. J. Miles and Mary his wife, who died the 25th of October 1788 Aged 15 Years.
Ralston, Sam (b. 1 Oct 1778 - d. 11 Feb 1829)
In memory of SAM RALSTON a native of Ireland who was exiled from his country for being associated with the United Irishmen in the fatal rebellion of 1798. He was born in the county of Antrim October 1, 1778 and died in this place February 11, 1829 Aged 50 years 4 months 10 days His foibles are lost in the contemplation That he was an honest man. "This stone was erected in his memory in 1838 by his nephew Sam Ralston".
Speir, Elizabeth (b. 7 Dec 1774 - d. 31 Mar 1799)
Aged 24 Yrs 3 Mos 24 Days. Wife of John Speir. In memory of ELIZABETH SPEIR, wife of John Speir She was born December 7, 1774 and departed this life March ye 31st 1799.
Speir, John (b. 1 Feb 1741 - d. 3 Feb 1770)
Son of William Speir. Here lies the body of JOHN SPEIR, the only son of William Speir He was born the 1st of February 1741 and deceased this life the 3rd of February 1770.
Speir, John (b. Mar 176_ - d. Feb 1861)
Son of John & Penelope Speir. In memory of JOHN SPEIR, son of John and Penelope Speir born March 176_ and died February 1861.
Speir, William (b. 12 Oct 1766 - d. 1 Jan 1770)
Son of John & Penelope Speir. Here lies the body of WILLIAM SPEIR, son of John Speir and Penelope his wife. He was born the 12th of October 1766 and deceased this life the 1st of January 1770.
Speir, William (Col.) (b. Unknown - d. Unknown)
Stewart, Alexander (Col.) (b. 9 Dec 1725 - d. 30 Jul 1772)
Born in Scotland. Here lies interred the Body of COL. ALEXANDER STEWART born in Scotland ye 9th of December 1725 Died ye 30th of July 1772 / Oh have I sat with secret sighs To view my flesh decay / Then groaned aloud with frightened eyes To see the tottering clay / But I forbid my sorrows now Nor dare the flesh complaint / Diseases have their pleasure too The joy overcomes the Pain / My cheerful soul, now all the day Sits wafting here and sings / Looks through the ruins of her day And practices her wings / Had but the prison walls been strong And been without a flaw / In darkness she had dwelt too long And less of Glory Saw / But, how the everlasting hills Thro' every chink appears / And something of the joy she feels While she's a prisoner here / Oh may these walls stand tottering still The branches never close / If I must here in darkness dwell And all this glory lose / Or rather let the branch decay The ruins wider grow / Till glad to the enlarged way I struck my pinions through.
Stewart, Elizabeth (b. 24 May 1759 - d. 20 Feb 1760)
Daughter of Alexander & Elizabeth Stewart. Here lies the body of ELIZABETH STEWART, Daughter of Alexander Stewart and Elizabeth his wife born ye 24th Day of May 1759 and died ye 20th Day of February 1760.
Stewart, James (b. 21 Aug 1766 - d. 24 Oct 1802)
Aged 36 Years 2 Months 3 Days. , Son of Alexander & Elizabeth Stewart.
Stewart, James (b. 21 Aug 1766 - d. 24 Oct 1802)
Son of Alexander and Elizabeth Stewart, He was born the 21st of August 1766 And departed this life the 24th of October 1802. Age 36 Years 2 months 3 days
Telfair, Hugh Blanc (b. 2 May 1814 - d. 21 Mar 1815)
Son of Hugh & Julia Telfair. In memory of HUGH BLANC TELFAIR, son of Hugh and Julia Telfair He was born on ye 2d day of May 1814 and departed this life ye 21st day of March 1815.
Telfair, Julia (b. 26 Nov 1792 - d. 15 Dec 1814)
Wife of Hugh Telfair. Aged 22 Yrs 19 Days. In memory JULIA, wife of Hugh Telfair She was born ye 26th November 1792 and departed this life on the 15th day of December 1814 Aged 22 yrs and 19 das.
Toole, Margaret Eliza (b. Unknown - d. 16 Jul 1848)
Aged 48 yrs 1 mo. Daughter of Hugh & Julia Telfair and Wife of Henry Irwin Toole. Here Rests Until the Resurrection all that was mortal of MARGARET ELIZA TOOLE daughter of Julia and Hugh Telfair and wife of Henry Irwin Toole died July 16, 1848 Aged 48 years 1 mo.
Web page updated 11 September 2022
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