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Location - at Strawberry Hill site of the Gorham Plantation, on the north side of NC 33 East, about 0.5 mile from the road, about five miles east of Greenville.
Survey compiled by William "Bill" B. Kittrell in 2007.
The entrance is nearly in front of Brame's Nursery. It appears there was a vault here, but the area has been pushed up and the cemetery destroyed. RANC...was all we found on one stone. It could have been the stone of Frances Allen Jerusha Suggs, who was John Churchill Gorham's wife. Another possibility could be Frances Henrietta Gorham. The letters RANC would be for Frances or Francis.
WBK note: The Gorhams of North Carolina by Sarah Gorham Webb indicates the following were buried at Strawberry Hill:
Gorham, Frances Allen Jerusha Suggs (b. 1801 - d. 19 Sep 1843)
Gorham, James (Col.) (b. 17__ - d. 18__)
Baptized August 4, 1745. His will was dated December 24, 1804.
Gorham, John Churchill (Dr.) (b. 1793 - d. 8 Jan 1843)
Gorham, Sarah Davis Mcclure (b. 4 Jan 1757 - d. 15 Aug 1820)
Web page updated 11 September 2022
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